Saturday, January 10, 2009

Zack's first plane trip

While we were waiting at the gate, Zack did this!  He was sitting on Jeff's lap on the floor and got curious about his stroller, which Jeff taped up for gate checking.  And he just pulled right up!

Later, we realized you really don't need to tape a stroller or use a stroller bag for gate checking.

Some other cool stuff happened at the gate.  Zack stood on my lap and gave a little lecture to the waiting folks.  Pretty awesome.  And this Armenian man next to me said, "I have a red head," and he and his wife talked to us about babies for a while.  Turns out they also had an "off the charts" red head.

On the other hand, a guy tried to steal my seat while I was away, and when Jeff said, "Excuse me, my wife is sitting there," the guy said, "Your wife?  Where is she?"  So rude.

I never, ever noticed people traveling with kids before, but on this trip I saw so many car seats going through security, so many people wrangling strollers and a gaggle of children.  It's funny that I was just completely tuned out to all of that until now.

Here he is ready to go!  Later we realized you don't have to put your car seat in the rear facing position on a plane.  It doesn't fit, and really, it's not like the plane is going to get into a front end collision.

Zack was just great on the plane.  No trouble, really.

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