Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Five months old!

Zack hit the five month mark on Monday, so I took him to the front yard for a photo shoot. Unfortunately, we sold the car seat that we sat him in for his other month pictures (you can see the four month post here.) But we've had a nice renaissance with his vibrating baby papa-san chair, which seemed to scrunch him up when he was tiny but is perfect for him now.

Zack was often distracted by the cars going by. We go out front a lot in the evenings to watch the traffic and get a little sun. Z sits on my knee and expresses his enthusiasm by moving all four limbs at once.

In lieu of the month marker pictures, here's a couple recent shots for our fans. Here you can see Zack peeking out from a heap of Eskimo kisses from Mommy.

Here he is in the nearby playground, sitting up unsupported. He's all about sitting up these days, even when I try to lean him back to feed him. He's just lately managing to stay up on his own; his record is probably about 15 seconds. He also loves standing up, which naturally still requires support. Lots of times I've tried to put him in the stroller and he won't bend his legs.

On the slide! I say just because he's little doesn't mean we can't make the playground ours, plus it's the only time a grown man can use a tiny slide.


Mamma Marion said...

Sitting up! That makes me want to cry, he is growing up so quickly. What a strong guy.

Anonymous said...

I just can't beleive how adorable this little guy is....he's just amazing!

Team Cross is knocking it out of the park!


Adam said...

Happy 5/12ths, Zack!

DKC said...

In just another month I will be able to get my hands on that little guy and I CANNOT WAIT!!!

Love these pics - he is so freakin' adorable.

Julie's Mom said...

I have to say a word about the Diaper Pirate onesies. He looks SO cool!

My disant new in-laws on the other side of the country will NOT want him to go home. He is just a FANTASTIC boy. You will all be enchanted, as Nana and Poppa were. I can't wait to meet you all.